How To Tow a Golf Cart?

How To Tow a Golf Cart

Towing a golf cart safely and effectively, even though it may look easy, takes preparation and expertise.

This guide will take you gradually through all the steps of How to tow a golf cart whether you are driving the golf cart through the town or a short distance outside. We’ll go over everything, including the most effective methods and necessary equipment. Your golf cart is simple to tow.

Assemble All The Required Instruments

Before starting, confirm that you have the following:

  • A towing vehicle is a truck or SUV. 
  • A flatbed truck, trailer, or tow gear
  • Tie-down straps or ropes
  • Safety chains
  • Ramp (if using a trailer or flatbed truck)
  • Gloves

Choose the Right Towing Method To Know How To Tow a Golf Cart?

There are three primary methods for towing a golf cart:

  • Dolly to tow
  • Using a trailer
  • Using a flatbed truck

Each method has its advantages and considerations.

Dolly to Tow:

For lighter golf carts and short distances, this method works well.

Follow these steps:

1. Connect the Tow Dolly: Attach the tow dolly to the hook of the towing vehicle. Check the safety of the connection.

2. Load the Golf Cart: Ensure that the front wheels of the golf cart are on the tow dolly by moving or driving it onto it. Ensure that the cart is balanced and centered.

3. Secure the Golf Cart: Attach the golf cart to the tow dolly with tie-down straps. Confirm that the cart is stable and that the chains are tight.

4. Check safety chains: Attach the safety chains to the tow dolly after checking them.

Using a Trailer:

Whether traveling short or far, a golf cart stays off the ground on every wheel.

  •  Trailer Connecting: Connect the trailer to the hook of the towing cars safely.
  •  Lower the Ramp: Reduce the trailer’s rear ramp.
  •  Fill out the golf cart: Control the cart up the ramp and aboard the trailer. Ensure that the trailer and cart are centered.
  •  Use straps: Use tie-down straps, and fasten the golf cart to the trailer in step four. Ascertain the stability of the cart and that the chains are tight.
  •  Raise the ramp: lift and lock the ladder after the cart is fitted.
  •  Check Safety Chains: Tie safety chains to the tow vehicle’s trailer.

Using a Flatbed Truck:

The safest and easiest way to pull a golf cart is with a flatbed truck, especially when the cart is large enough to travel longer distances.

1. Position the truck: Park the truck at the load level.

2. Lower the Ramp: Lower the ramp at the back of the truck.

3. Load the Golf Cart: Drive or push the golf cart up the ramp and onto the flatbed. Ensure the cart is centered.

4. Secure the Golf Cart: Use tie-down straps to secure the cart to the flatbed. Make sure the straps are tight and the cart is stable.

5. Raise the Ramp: Once the cart is secured, raise and lock the ramp.

Also Read:

Prepare the Golf Cart for Towing a Golf Cart

Before you begin towing, there are a few steps to prepare the golf cart:

1. Switch Off the Golf Cart: Ensure the golf cart is switched off completely.

2. Move the Brake: Apply the parking brake to slow the cart’s motion.

3. Adjust the Tow/Run Switch: If you have a switch, switch it to the “tow” position. Pulling the motor can safeguard the cart.

4. Check tire pressure: To prevent damage when towing, ensure the tires are filled. 

Things You Should Know About Safely Drive For Towing a Golf Cart

Safety is the most important factor when towing a golf cart. Here are some suggestions for a secure towing procedure:

1. Drive Slowly: Minimize your speed, especially when handling turns or traveling over uneven terrain.

2. Avoid sudden movements: sudden starts, stops, or sharp turns can destabilize the tow setup.

3. Check Mirrors Frequently: Regularly check your mirrors to ensure the golf cart remains secure and has no issues.

4. Maintain a Safe Distance: Keep a long gap for safety.

5. Use Turn Signals: Always notify other drivers about what you want with turn signals.

6. Adopt Wide Turns: Making wide turns helps keep the golf cart from rolling over.

7. Steer clear of rough roads: Avoid bouncing and shaking the golf cart as much as possible by choosing smooth routes.

Unload the Golf Cart

Once you’ve arrived at your location, take these actions:

1. Park on a level surface: Pull the tow car, trailer, and flatbed onto a level area.

2. Install the parking brake: Check that the parking brake on the towing car is placed.

3. Lower the Ramp: Minimize the trailer or flatbed truck ramp.

4. Release the Straps: Carefully release the tie-down straps securing the golf cart.

5. Unload the golf cart: Slowly drive or push the cart down the ramp.

6. Check for Damage: Inspect the golf cart for any signs of damage or loose parts.

Is it legal to drive a golf cart around?

It depends on local laws. You can drive a golf cart on certain roads if you follow specific rules, like having safety features and being a licensed driver. Check your local regulations to be sure.

Additional Tips for Towing a Golf Cart

Here are 5 important tips for towing a Golf cart.

1. Plan Your Journey: Avoid crowded places, juts, and rocky slopes on the road. 

2. Regularly Inspect Tools: Before every trip, the tow dolly, trailer, and cargo truck are free of wear and damage. Check the security of every link.

3. Practice Towing: Before going out on the road, if you are new to towing, practice in a safe, wide-open space.

4. Know the rules: Comprehend the towing rules and ordinances. There can be regulations in place in some places regarding the use of tow dollies and trailer towing.

5. Maximum Weight: Ensure the golf cart’s complete weight with its items is less than the tow vehicle’s capacity. Break Lights: Verify that the trailer’s or flatbed truck’s turning and brake lights are operational before starting your trip.

 Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Swaying: If the golf cart or trailer starts to sway, reduce speed gradually. Avoid sudden movements. Check that the cart is properly centered and secured.

Flat Tires: Carry a spare tire and tools for the tow dolly or trailer. Check tire pressure and condition regularly. 

Overheating: In hot weather, take breaks to prevent the tow car from overheating. Examine the state of the vehicle’s cooling system.


A golf cart must be towed safely and effectively, thus requiring the appropriate tools, meticulous planning, and alert driving. The procedures listed in this tutorial will assist in guaranteeing a simple and trouble-free towing trip, whether you’re utilizing a flatbed truck, trailer, or tow dolly. Always check the machinery to keep your tow truck and golf cart safe.  


1. Is it possible to tow a standard car? 

Yes, you can tow a golf cart with a regular car. However, you must ensure that it has the required features.

2. Do I need a special license to pull a golf cart? 

Generally, no special license is required, but you should confirm obedience to local laws by checking. 

3. How should a golf cart be secured to a trailer?

 Use strong tie-down straps, and make sure the golf cart’s structure is securely fastened. 

4. How fast can I drive while towing a golf cart?

 It is advised to drive at a low speed—typically no more than 55 mph—and adjust it based on the condition of the road.

5. Can I tow a golf cart without disengaging the motor?

Electric golf carts require the tow switch to be switched to the “tow” position to protect the electrical components and motor.  

6. Is pulling a golf cart in the rain safe?

While towing in the rain is feasible, extra attention is needed. Ensure all electrical components are protected, drive slowly, and use lights and signals appropriately.

7. What should I do if the golf cart starts to sway?

 Gradually reduce speed, avoid sudden movements, and check the load distribution. Re-secure the golf cart if necessary.

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