Everyone’s life is so much easier with golf carts. Having a golf cart often means doing a lot of maintenance. Maintenance on golf carts might include oil changes, alignments, changing seat cushions, and fixing worn-out leaf springs.

Golf cart owners must perform necessary maintenance to ensure their beloved vehicles are for long-term use.

Windshields for golf carts are made of acrylic or polycarbonate, which scratches more easily than glass. This is why it is so essential to clean them carefully.

Here’s how to clean a golf cart windshield the right way.

How To Clean a Golf Cart Windshield?

Golf Cart

Here I will explain 5 major points to wash or clean the windshield of a golf cart.

  • Mix the soap and water solution. 
  • Dip the first cloth in the soapy water. 
  • Rub the windshield clean on both sides. 
  • Wash the windshield with clean water and let it dry.
  • Apply TNT Plastic Windshield cleaner and polish to another cloth, and apply the polish to a foggy finish.

The best way to clean a windshield is to:

Remember that ammonia-based glass cleaners can harm leather, vinyl, and tint; use a particular glass cleaner. Before they become hard, change the towels. To ensure that windows are completely dry for a streak-free shine, use up-and-down cleaning movements to finish off the glass.

Materials Needed:

  •  Sandpaper (400, 600, 1000, and 2000 grit)
  •  Water spray bottle
  •  Polishing compound
  •  Buffing pad or cloth
  •  Electric buffer or drill with buffing attachment (optional)
  •  Clean, soft cloths
  •  Masking tape (optional)

5 Easy Steps To Know How To Clean a Golf Cart windshield:


1. Clean the windshield:

  •  Wash and dry the windshield.

2. Sand the Windshield:

  • Wet the area, start with 400 grit, sandpaper, and sand in a round wave.
  • Step up to 600, 1000, and 2000 grit while maintaining a wet surface.

3. Clean Again:

  • Wash and dry the windshield.

4. Buff the Windshield:

  • Apply the polishing compound to a buffing pad or cloth.
  •  Buff in a circular motion, using an electric buffer at low speed or by hand.

  5. Final Clean:

  • Wipe with a clean cloth to remove residue.


Useful Tips  To Clean the windshield of a golf cart:

  •  Be gentle to avoid damage.
  •  Use masking tape to protect edges.
  •  Seek professional help for deep scratches.

Additional tips

  • Use a commercial glass cleaner if you have any stubborn spots on your windshield. To ensure the cleaner doesn’t harm the windshield, always try it in a discrete area first.
  • Try polishing any scratches on your windshield with a quality glass polish. Make sure you follow the polish’s instructions.
  • You must clean your windshield regularly if you reside in a region with insects or pollen.
  • If you find it tough to clean yourself, you can hire experts to detail your windshield. 
  • Your windshield should now be clearer and smoother!

Removing corrosion from golf cart batteries

Supplements Required:

  •  Baking soda, – Gloves
  •  Safety glasses
  •  Paper towels or rags and  an expired toothbrush
  •  Wrench, if required.


  1. Safety First: Wear safety goggles and gloves.
  2. Turn off the cart: Ensure the golf cart is off.
  3. Remove Cables: The positive (+) and negative (-) cables should be disconnected first if there is a lot of corrosion.
  4. Mix Solution: Combine 1 cup water and 1 tablespoon baking soda.
  5.  Clean: Clean the corrosion by using a toothbrush dipped in the solution.
  6. Wipe: Wipe off the solution and loosen the corrosion with a rag.
  7. Dry: Ensure everything is completely dry.
  8. Reconnect Cables: Connect the positive (+) and negative (-) cables.
  9. Check Connections: Ensure tight, secure connections.
  10. Dispose Safely: Properly dispose of used materials and wash hands.


Petroleum jelly will be applied to terminals to stop corrosion in the future.

A list of harmful cleaners for windshields:

  • cleansers with an ammonia base (common glass and window cleaners)
  • chemical cleaners that are acidic or harsh.
  • WD-40 or any other cleaner with a petroleum basis
  • Anything harsh, like cleaning pads, could scratch the windshield.

The best cleaner for a golf cart windshield

Your golf cart’s windshield is best cleaned with water and a tiny bit of soap.

These windshields shouldn’t be cleaned with glass cleaners since the ammonia can harm polycarbonate or acrylic things.

How is the windshield of a golf cart polished?

A buffing cloth (hand, disc, or belt) and buffing compound are needed to buff your windshield. You use your buffer and buffing compound to smooth everything. Remember that the effects buffing chemicals have on your golf cart’s windshield will vary.

How do you clean a rough windshield?

Sadly, there isn’t a foolproof way to fix worn glass or rough windshields. Changing the entire windshield is your best (and only) choice.

How can haze be taken out of a plastic windshield?

Thankfully, windshield haze is easy to remove. You must apply a premium, streak-free glass cleaner and make horizontal passes with a microfiber cloth or windshield cleaning tools. After washing, add an anti-fog solution to the windshield.

How should a plexiglass windshield be cleaned?

Use a special plastic or acrylic cleaner, or warm water mixed with a small amount of dish soap, for safety Cleaning solutions like alcohol, ammonia, or aromatics should be avoided since they might be harmful.

Cleaning Instructions for an ACRYLIC Golf Cart Windshield:

Don’t: The big mistake you can make while cleaning an acrylic windshield is to use a harsh cleaner. If you use something like Windex on acrylic, it will damage the surface of your windshield.

Final thoughts

The first step in protecting your windshield is to select the golf card windshield material that best meets your needs. You must maintain your golf cart and preserve a clear windshield, which will last longer and be safer.

Also Read:


How do I clean a golf cart?

You can hose down your golf cart. But this can easily lead to damage to electrical parts. Create a mixture of water and dish soap. Then, use a microfiber towel to clean the plastic surfaces.

Can I clean the windshield of my golf cart with a glass cleaner?

Avoid using glass cleaner because it may have chemicals that damage the plastic or acrylic in the windshield. Apply a plastic-specific cleanser or use a small amount of soap and water.

Can I clean the windshield with a power washer?

No, a power washer’s strong pressure can harm a windshield. Continue to wash your hands gently.

How can I clean the windshield of my golf cart of scratches?

Apply a plastic polish and a smooth cloth to small scratches. Buff the polish after applying it in a round motion to minimize the visibility of the scratches.

Can paper towels be used to clean the windshield?

No, paper towels are harsh and harmful.

Can I clean my golf cart’s windshield with vinegar?

Since vinegar can be harmful and acidic to the plastic windshield, it is best to stay away from it. Use a specific plastic cleaner or just mild soap and water.

If my windshield is quite dirty, what should I do?

To remove the dirt, apply a soft cloth dipped in soapy water to the affected area and let it sit there for a few minutes. After that, scrub softly and wash as normal.

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